Friday, April 20, 2012

Beloved Sister

 Dear my beloved sister

In deep of  my heart, you always have a place because you are truly special
I admire you for your strength and for your courage .
I know that sometime life is hard, and the people around you are negative...
I don't want to add to that, so find it in your heart to forgive

But, remember my sister, I am sorry for hurting you...
I can't take back for what I have said,
But I hope you understand that with anger
We can say things that are so untrue...
I did not choose my words, and they came out so wrong...
I know it  ill take time for our relationship to rebuild, but I will wait  however long

Again, I am  very sorry  for hurting you
Yelling at you and saying all those bad things to you
i heard that day is your big day  i am sad because i knew from
someone  else but i always  hope  and pray the best for you

Your Brother